Have you ever noticed how many times a day we say “excuse me”?! What are we doing that needs this much excusing?! I think we’re just living our lives and having some public relations. So which part of these is so wrong that requires so much feelings of sorry? I know if I hurt you or harm you or make you some trouble it’s completely acceptable or even an expectation to excuse or feel sorry and try to compensate but I’m talking about times that it’s with no reason. People usually use these phrases when they want to start talking or even ask you to not bother more than this! “Excuse me could you please move your chair so I could leave the room”! I know people talk like this as a way of being polite and also I know that saying a sentence - especially when you don’t mean it! - doesn’t kill anyone but still I think there is something more than simple words behind these sentences.
I think people actually feel guilty unconsciously when they even want to start talking to someone else. Somehow we rather avoiding people and when we have to approach someone we feel so guilty (or annoyed) about it - for example for taking other person’s time - that we just start talking with feeling sorry! You may say I’m too pedantic but let’s assume there is a chance that maybe I’m right!
Actually I find lots of people around me that are full of sense of guilt. It’s not just about public relations but in other aspects too, and the most important one of them is with themselves. Lots of people feel guilty to even think about somethings not even trying to do them! And that’s how lots of people grow old with so many wishes that were actually easy to achieve at the time. It’s another story and needs another time to talk about how we suppress ourselves but that sense of guilt is something serious and we should really put some thought into why we sometimes feel sorry or guilty without any good reason and what should we do about it.