Live the way if it’s your last day. Why?!

I’ve recently watched some films (Bucket List, If Only, Life or Something Like It) that the main character finds out that he/she is about to die soon and this shocking piece of news changes his/her remaining days in a complete different way that he has never lived before. It’s very interesting to know what would you do if you understand you’re going to die soon. We may decide to do things that we’re normally unwilling to do for some reason. Going to places you have always dreamt of, talking to people who you haven't talked to for ages, saying words you have always wanted to say, asking for forgiveness, trying to excuse people who have been mean to you, showing your suppressed feelings, saying “I love you”s you’ve never let to be heard by who you loved. It’s really more like a dream!

The most interesting thing is that you will be yourself by all means (the person usually says ‘who cares! I’m going to die! lets be happy!’) and this is the reason that this kind of life seems to be happy for people. In each day of our daily life, we’re challenging with lots of limits. Many of them are there by environment, society, laws, etc. But lots of them are just in our mind. Not if it’s wrong to have limits for ourselves but we usually don’t like them. After all who likes limit?!

We have to put some rules and limits for ourselves because we define ourselves by these dos and don’ts. Not that all those limits are wrong because for example you don’t bother or harm someone, you don’t insult or cheat and you don’t lie to your friends even if it’s not prohibited by law! We have these don’ts and for most of them we’re happy to have them and act based on them but the problem starts when we have some unreasonable don’ts! Mostly the tradition or wrong ideas and philosophies. We draw a line between ourselves and things that shouldn’t normally be banned. We trap ourselves in some illogical beliefs that we look forward to our death time to get rid of them! If this is the case that we love those kind of films, we should really think again about what we’re doing and our set of beliefs but there can be another reason too!

If you’re about to die in a weak, do you care about your salary, your rent, taxes, insurance, your future, your health, your body, your clothes and lots of daily worries, trivial matters and long-time priorities that come across your mind every day and make you worry, terrified or sad? Of course not! you would just try to enjoy as much as you can and forget about your past, present and future. Just like a kid who enters a fun fair or an amusement park and runs toward a merry-go-round without any worry or fear and most importantly without any responsibility! And this is it!

Aren’t we just enjoying those films because of the freedom of not having any responsibly? Anything that requires lots of thought and energy to achieve and to hold? To work hard for every little thing and having a constant challenge with life difficulties? Isn’t it like the dream of having lots of money so you can do whatever you want? I think one side of the scenario is the joy of free will, the joy of freedom and not caring about anything.

So if the first case shows a problem with our own limits, the second case is worse. A bigger problem in the whole system of one’s beliefs and attitude to the world.


Written on 2011-06-15 by Samic.

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